Redwood Rainbows General Info
Redwood Rainbows began in 2007 as an LGBTQ club under the auspices of the Saucy Squares Dance Club in Sebastopol, CA. Over time, the clubs merged and dropped the Saucy Squares name. While Redwood Rainbows has its roots in the LGBTQ community, its members and friends are very diverse and are made up of dancers of all identities. We welcome everyone who wants to come together and enjoy dancing!
In 2008 we incorporated as Redwood Rainbows Dance Club, Inc., and in 2009 we received our 501(c)(3) status from the IRS. All donations to the club are tax-deductible.
Club Membership
Membership is available to square dancers who have graduated the Social Square Dance Program (SSD) and are at least 18 years of age. Yearly dues are $25, and club members receive a discount on monthly dance fees—$30 per month, or $350 per year. Members who dance regularly with the club can also rent Wischemann Hall at a reduced hourly rate.
Email Lists
rr-members - All active Members of Redwood Rainbows are automatically added to this email list for official club business: board, membership, and committee meetings, nominations, and elections.
rr-talk - Members and Friends of Redwood Rainbows are invited to join rr-talk, a forum for Redwood Rainbows announcements, general club information, new class and workshop schedules, flyers for other clubs’ events, general dance conversation, personal updates from dancers, discussions about dance “calls,” carpool requests, and hall closings and emergency information. Everyone on the rr-talk list can send messages to the entire group and reply either to the whole group or only to the original sender. Anyone not wanting to receive “chatter” beyond the original email can also delete future replies to any subject. For help with your settings, contact
rr-announce - If you want only official Redwood Rainbows club announcements, without any chatter and personal updates, this is the option for you. Only the club president (and back-up moderators) can send email to this group. All replies will go only to the sender, who always welcomes your questions.
To join a group, switch groups, or for help with your subscription settings, contact
Club Roster
Redwood Rainbows distributes a membership roster in PDF format for the use of active members (lifetime, and annual memberships) only. Only members who explicitly opt-in are listed, and only the information they want (name, email address, and/or dance program/level) will be included. Members who have opted-in can opt-out of future rosters at any time by sending a request to
Rosters are distributed by email in January to active members, and active members can request the most recently prepared roster any time by sending a request to
The roster is not stored on the Redwood Rainbows web server, and therefore is NOT visible to search engines. Please respect our members' privacy, and do NOT re-post it to other sites, nor share it with anyone.