Redwood Rainbows Board of Directors
The members of the Board of Directors support the Redwood Rainbows by ensuring that the Club operates according to its Bylaws; by serving as Club officers; and along with committee chairs, by planning and arranging activities for members of the Club, such as classes, workshops, and dances. The Board is also responsible for managing and maintaining Wischemann Hall.
To contact the board, send an email message to board@redwoodrainbows.org.
Current Members
Current members of the Board of Directors are:
Nancy Moorhead, 2024–2026: Treasurer
Kathy Oetinger, 2024–2026: President
Ute Scott-Smith, 2023–2025: Member at Large
Gary Shirley, 2024–2026: Secretary
Lucy Whitworth, 2023–2025: Vice President
Board Meetings
Monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are held over Zoom, and invitations are sent to all Club members each month.
Board meetings are open to any member of the Club who has voting rights—Full Members, Honorary Voting Members, and any member who’s been granted active member status. Additionally, anyone who has been specifically invited by a Board member to attend a Board meeting is eligible to attend the specific Board meeting.
Elections for members of the Board are held each year in April.
To provide for alternation and continuity, three positions are up for election in even-numbered years, and two positions are up for election in odd-numbered years. Usual terms are two years, beginning immediately after elections.
Directors serve without compensation. They attend monthly Board meetings, making decisions by majority vote to provide services and activities for the benefit of Club members.
Club officers are elected annually by the Board of Directors. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer must be members of the Board, but are not tied to a specific board position. For example, if after an election, the previous Secretary is replaced by a new board member, the new board member is not automatically the new Secretary. Instead, the newly formed board will elect the new slate of officers.