COVID-19 Policy
Revised: August 8, 2023
It is the policy of the Redwood Rainbows to follow Sonoma County Department of Health guidelines.
Notification Protocol
Square dancing is not a socially-distant activity. As a courtesy to everyone, we ask that if you test positive for COVID-19 (regardless of where you might have contracted it) AND you've danced at the club up to ten days before your positive test, you contact the Board.
To contact the Board: Please send an email message to contact@redwoodrainbows.org, and include the days and times that you were at Wischemann Hall.
The Board will notify the dancers who were present on the dates that you were there that they might have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. Ideally you’d allow us to identify you, but you can ask to remain anonymous.
The email message will say that "per the Redwood Rainbows’ COVID-19 notification protocol, [your name -OR- ‘a dancer’] has informed us that they tested positive for COVID-19, and that they danced at the Hall on <dates>. If you experience symptoms, you should follow current advice, such as from the Sonoma County Department of Health Services' COVID-19 Information.“
Vaccinations are not required.
Masks are not required, but you are welcome to wear one..
Free masks are available at the Hall.